At the Stroke of Midnight

Santa’s come and gone. 2008 is winding down. Here comes the New Year, are you ready? Resolutions. New beginnings. Quitting said resolutions. Ending the beginnings, and on the cycle goes until we approach the next December, etc etc. Whatever your MidNight plans may be, and whether you’re feeling Frisky, Feisty, Sassy or Spunky, I sure hope your door closes well on 2008 and opens to a wonderful 2009.

I considered going all out for an end-of-the-year blog entry. Offering some "best-of-2008" lists and top-whatever countdowns of my fave from this year. But instead I choose to leave you with a brief "well-wish" for the New Year. I hope ALL the best for ALL of you, and I think simply saying that eliminates any need for lists, stories, or expectations of the upcoming year.

Tip the glass at the stroke of midNight, sip the champagne, snag that kiss and on we go. Isn’t life just a beautiful thing?

Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind
Should all acquaintance be forgot for the sake of auld lang syne

Santa Says RECYCLE!!!

I'm turning into a recycle nut. I made a box at work for paper recycling I take to local bins. It sits near my 6 inch stack of scrap I use to avoid new paper. As I mailed out my christmas cards I got to thinking, "I hope all this paper doesn't get thrown away, maybe I should put a reminder note to recycle the paper" (dork). I recycle at home, have little grocery totes I drag everywhere, and take my overstock of plastic grocery bags to the recycle bins at the stores. I smash cans for recycling. I even talked my boyfriend into bringing home the plastic bag he carries his lunch in to use more than once! Today I stumbled upon the following article that included useful information I thought you might find interesting, and make you put your christmas cards in a recylce bin instead of the trash.
Happy Reduce/Reuse/Recycling!!!

The holidays are here and you want to do it all! And with all that overindulgence comes a lot of waste. In fact, Americans throw away about 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve than the rest of the year. This year, you can enjoy the holidays — and be kinder to the environment at the same time — just by following these easy tips.

Holiday Cards
Every year, 2.65 billion holiday cards are sold in the U.S. When choosing cards this year, make sure they contain recycled content or are made from recycled material. And when the season is over, don’t throw away the cards you receive. Be sure to toss them in the recycle bin.

Everyone’s mailbox is stuffed with mail-order catalogs this time of year. Call the companies and ask to be removed from their mailing lists. (If each household canceled ten mail-order catalogs, it would reduce their trash by 3.5 pounds per year!) And be sure to recycle any you do wish to receive.

Shopping Bags
Don’t you hate being bogged down by armfuls of bags after a day of shopping? Then why not take your own tote bags? Unlike store bags, they’re easier to carry and can hold a lot more items.

Keep the environment in mind when choosing holiday gifts. Instead of buying trinkets that will end up in a landfill one day, select gifts that won’t create waste, such as homemade cookies, a plant, concert or movie tickets, candles, soaps or a donation to a charity.

Wrapping Paper
While a package wrapped in shiny paper may look festive, just think how wasteful it really is to use the paper once and then throw it away. Try to buy wrapping paper made of recycled paper. Or get really creative and use old maps or the Sunday comics to wrap your gifts. Avoid paper all together by using reusable decorative tins, baskets or boxes.

If you put up a Christmas tree, be sure to purchase one that can be planted or mulched after the holiday. Or use an artificial tree instead. Make ornaments and other decorations out of things you find around the house or outside. Use outdoor light strands that are wired in parallel. (This means if one bulb goes out, you only have to replace it and not the whole strand.) Also remember the smaller the bulbs, the lower the wattage. Low wattage consumes less energy and gives off less heat, making your lights safer.

After a holiday meal, don’t throw away the leftovers. Wrap them up and send them home with your guests, or donate them to a local food bank. You can also compost your food waste. Fruits and vegetables and their peels, pits and seeds all make a great natural fertilizer once composted.

And So This is Christmas...

This past Monday (Dec.8) marked 28th anniversary of the shooting of John Lennon. Looking back, much seems different than 28 years ago. I recently caught a documentary on the time he spent "in bed for peace" with Yoko, and it reminded me – certain things are no different from back then. Here I am a mere 26, wondering what the world woud be like today if he were still in it. Things he said in interviews, and the ideals he wanted to spread are still very needed in the world today. We are in the same positions, just with different elements of the equation. It amazed me as I watched him in bed, people asking questions of why. Why are you doing this? Why is this what you believe? It made me recollect the issues in my life, the things that weigh me down, even tho in 28 years they probably won’t matter. And there’s John Lennon in bed for PEACE, something that still is in play after all this time. And even tho I might not say he’s my favorite "Beatle" or that I’m even a super die hard fan (eh – that’s debatable) credit is due to how amazing he was on his own. The Beatles were such a wonderful package of one another, and yes John was quite a package with Yoko Ono, but still he shook the world as an individual.

"You May Say I’m a Dreamer, But I’m Not the Only One…
I Hope Someday You Will Join Us, & the World Will Live as One"

I don’t know what it was about that show, whether the coincidence of its timing or simply the state of mind I was in while viewing…but I felt a sort of inner comfort afterwards. A sort of – don’t let things factor in, they might not be an issue down the road. Who knows. The holidays are here as well as the end of the calendar year, bringing a time for looking back and forward all at once. A time for coming together with friends, family, loved ones. A time to remember it is YOU who makes a difference in your life, and there’s no better time than now to find your balance.

Happy Christmas Everyone

So this is Christmas
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young